About Us
The Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute is a non-profit organization administered and operated by volunteering professionals from the Parks and Recreation field. The Institute’s service area is defined as Oklahoma, Texas, and the surrounding six states (LA, AR, MO, KS, CO, and NM), and our overriding goal is the presentation and promotion of educational opportunities to meet the needs of Park and Recreation professionals, students, and lay supporters in our service area who are searching for new ways to improve their creativity, efficiency, and effectiveness. The Institute was organized in 1955 with the first meeting being held in 1956. 2025 will mark our 69th annual convocation.
About the Conference
The Institute meets annually officially starting on the first Sunday in February at Sequoyah Lodge – Sequoyah State Park in NE Oklahoma (some activities start as early as the preceding Friday). The remote nature of this four-day event not only provides attendees exceptional opportunities to attend educational sessions, but also to network and exchange information with other SWPRTI members and vendors alike. Total conference attendance (including speakers and exhibitors) typically is in the 200-250 range and provides ample opportunities for vendors to promote their products and build relationships as we strongly encourage our partners to be full members of the Institute and not just an exhibitor.
Conference Dates:
February 2-5, 2025
Sequoyah State Park – Hulbert, OK
Conference Facilities:
Sequoyah Lodge
Registration is included as described in the partnership packages. Meal packages and individual meal tickets are available in the store on the website. To reserve lodging contact Sequoyah Lodge at 918-77-2545
Informal gatherings start in the afternoon as Board Members and Committee Chairs begin to arrive
Board Meeting (early afternoon)
Board Dinner (evening)
Dinner, Brag Night and Entertainment
Opening General Session (morning)
Dedicated Exhibits Session (morning)
Educational Sessions (afternoon)
Breaks with Exhibitors
Partners’ Social (late afternoon)
Live Auction (evening)
Educational Sessions (all day)
Breaks with Exhibitors
President’s Reception (early evening)
Awards Banquet (evening)
Closing General Session (morning)
Board Meeting (morning)
How do you benefit?
Again, we strongly encourage our partners to be full members of the Institute and not just an exhibitor. This increased interaction provides our partners the opportunity to cultivate more familial relationships with our members (your prospective clients). Our conference schedule even has a dedicated session for partner / member engagement where partners are able to promote their products, knowledge, services and build relationships with those attending the Institute. To further maximize partner / member interaction, session break are provided.
Our partnership packages have been designed with partner exposure in mind, and partnership opportunities are limited so as to reduce competition for conference attendees’ time and to give partners greater exposure to our members. The varying partnership levels provide options for showcasing the value and benefit of your products and services, and partners are provided every opportunity to develop relationships with our members in a fun and relaxed setting.
Want to be involved?
Please review the partnership levels listed on the accompanying pages and let us know which one best meets your needs. The 2025 SWPRTI Conference Support Committee is excited to offer you these opportunities. If you should have any questions, please contact us at your convenience.
Thank you for your support!