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The mission of the Southwest Parks and Recreation Training Institute is to present and promote educational opportunities to students, professionals, and lay supporters of the broad field of Parks and Recreation.

The Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute is a non-profit organization that is administered by volunteers from the Parks and Recreation field. The organization is governed by its Officers and a Board of Directors. The Officers, Board of Directors, and Committee Chairs meet three times per year and their meetings are open to all members of the Institute. The current year President appoints Committee Chairs for the upcoming Institute.


President: Rick Ewing, Muskogee, Oklahoma
The President is to provide direction, guidance, and leadership to the Institute, the Executive Committee, and the Governing Board.

President-Elect: James Page, Dallas, Texas

Immediate Past-President: Susie Snider, Oklahoma State Parks
The Immediate Past-President is to perform other duties assigned by the President and the Executive Committee

Secretary: Brooke King, Muskogee Oklahoma
The Secretary is responsible for documenting all minutes of meetings and coordinating registration.

Treasurer: David Lopez, Dallas Texas
The Treasurer maintains all budget and accounting functions related to the operation of the Institute.


The Board of Directors along with the President-Elect shares the responsibility of putting together the educational programs for the Institute. Each Board Member also serves as a liaison to one or more Institute Committees. Each Board of Director serves a three-year term. These terms are staggered in pairs with a new pair of directors being elected each year.

Director (Term ends 2025):
Levi Garrett, Oklahoma State Parks

Director (Term ends 2025):
Scott Copelin, City of Oklahoma City

Director (Term ends 2026):
Barry Hardaway, Oklahoma State Parks

Director (Term ends 2026):
Chris McMaster, Dallas Park and Recreation

Director (Term ends 2027):
Sierra Coon, Oklahoma State Parks

Director (Term ends 2027):
Brett Johnson, Dallas Park and Recreation


Members of the Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute have been making the annual trek to Oklahoma since 1956. Created to serve practitioners in the parks and recreation field, the Institute has strengthened itself through the years because it is an agent for evolution within its steadfast mission, providing institutional stability without squelching needed change.

Elo J. Urbanovsky, a professor at Texas Tech University along with other notable park and recreation professionals in the early 1950’s, had the vision for a training institute for the Southwest. The model for its development was the Great Lakes Park Training Institute. After a meeting at an American Institute of Park Executives conference in 1955, plans were set to conduct the first Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute in the spring of 1956 at the Lake Murray State Park Lodge.

Through the efforts of Elo Urbanovsky, L.B. Houston, R.R. Murphy, Mark Miles, Ernest Allen, Tye Bledsoe, Dwain Miller, and others, the first members arrived at the lodge. Room and meals were available for $5 per day and the full conference registration was $5. The attractive rate and outstanding value of the conference helped cultivate a loyal and growing membership. Membership increased to over 300 people annually. In 1961 the Institute moved to the Lake Texoma State Park Lodge, near Kingston, Oklahoma.

In 1965, Dr. James W. Kitchen took over the role of program chairman. With Dr. Kitchen’s leadership and Dorothy Bentley’s assistance, the Institute flourished in a time when the need for parks and recreation services and an awareness of our natural resources was rapidly expanding.

Dr. Kitchen was instrumental in bringing representatives from new federal agencies and information about programs created in the early 1960’s, such as the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and the Housing and Urban Development Act to the Institute.

The Institute continued to change with the times. In 1974 it became independent from national organization ties. Along with Texas Tech, other universities such as Louisiana State, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Stephen F. Austin, etc. contributed resources and support.

After Dr. Kitchen passed away in 1990, the Officers, Board of Directors, and Standing Committees, have kept the Institute program fresh with new ideas each year. The regional networking opportunities have been cited in recent membership surveys as an important reason for attending the Institute. Membership participation is a key ingredient in continuing the vitality and value of this training institute today.

In late 2006, The State of Oklahoma closed the Lodge at Lake Texoma Resort. So starting in 2007, the Institute moved from Lake Texoma Resort to our new home at Sequoyah State Park Resort. Thus allowing us to continue our long standing relationship and tradition with the State of Oklahoma Parks.

The current logo for Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute symbolizes the migration of birds to the Tishamingo National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was always one of the late Dr. Kitchen’s favorite places to visit. Rich in history and success, the Institute continues to promote educational opportunities and career enrichment for parks and recreation professionals as they flock to Oklahoma each year.


Susie Snider 2024
Willis Winters 2023
Tim Phillips 2022
Tim Phillips – 2021
Mike Amond – 2020
Greg Snider – 2019
Tony Presley – 2018
Randall McFarlin – 2017
Robert Townsend – 2016
Susie Snider – 2015
E. Brian Bristow – 2014
Jill Beam – 2013
Mendy Putman – 2012
John Webb – 2011
Cindy Olson – 2010
Kenneth Beam – 2009
Greg Snider – 2008
Bob Monaghan – 2007
Roger Scott – 2006
Jeff Lingo – 2005
Michael Herron – 2004
Sally Rodriguez – 2003
Don Horton – 2002
B. Dan Kamp – 2001
Shellene Beach – 2000
Michael Massey – 1999

John Lampe – 1998
Jackie Kayne – 1997
Mark McHenry – 1996
Dee Hardin – 1995
James Fox – 1994
Bob Overman – 1993
Terry Putman – 1992
William Sharp – 1991
Max Robertson – 1990
Don Wendell – 1989
Mickey Carter – 1988
Max Wiens – 1987
Eddie Hueston – 1986
Bob Woodruff – 1985
John Alford – 1984
Michael Segrest – 1983
Alton Johnson – 1982
James Fisher – 1981
Russell Studebaker – 1980
Jack Robinson – 1979
David Loughridge – 1978
Terry Dopson – 1977

Hugh McKnight – 1976
Gordon Jones – 1975
William McLaughlin – 1974
Robert Key – 1973
Phillip Huey – 1972
Eugene German – 1971
William Gosdin – 1970
William Landahl – 1969
Arthur Johnson – 1968
Dwain Miller – 1967
Scott Fikes – 1966
W.G. Scheibe – 1965
Ernest Allen – 1964
James Taylor – 1963
Robert Frazer – 1962
Robert Frazer – 1961
Henry Walker – 1960
David Abbott – 1959
L.B. Houston – 1958
Mark Miles – 1957
Mark Miles – 1956


The Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute annually recognizes its members with participation, attendance, and special awards in recognition for service to the Institute.

Special Awards
Awards in this category are based on special service and/or service contribution to the Institute. Awards are made in the following categories:

Past Presidents – Emerald Award
This award is presented annually to the outgoing President of the Institute in recognition of his/her service for the past year.

James W. Kitchen Memorial Special Recognition Award
This award is the highest honor awarded by the Institute. Here are the recipients of the James W. Kitchen Memorial Special Recognition Award:

Mendy Putman, 2020
Mick Massey, 2019
Susie Snider, 2018
Sally Rodriguez, 2017
Michael Herron, 2014
Greg Snider, 2013
Bob Monaghan, 2012

Roger Scott, 2011
Jeff Lingo, 2009
Don Horton, 2008
Kenneth Beam, 2005
B. Dan Kamp, 2004
Terry Putman, 2001
John Lampe, 2000

Jackie Kayne, 1998
James Fox, 1997
Alton Johnson, 1995
James Fisher, 1993
Eddie Hueston, 1992
David Loughridge, 1991

Participation Awards

Awards in this category are based on individual service and participation in the annual meeting of the Institute and/or work of the Institute on an annual basis. Awards in this category require both attendance and participation point accumulations. Although points are not accumulated for attendance, minimum standards of attendance have been adopted as part of the award criteria. Awards in this category are non-discretionary.

The point system with accumulation criteria utilized for this category of award is as follows:
  • One point for Board Member and Officer participation
  • One point for committee participation
  • One point for program participation
  • One point for Brag Night participation

The participation award categories are as follows:

Minimum 20 years attendance and 25 participation points

Rick Ewing, 2024
Cindy Olson, 2019
Mark McHenry, 2015
Tim Phillips, 2015
Jill Beam, 2014
Susie Snider, 2014
Cindy Anderson, 2013
Jeff Lingo, 2013
Susan Musgrove, 2013
Greg Snider, 2013
Tammie Tritico, 2013
Mendy Putman, 2011
Larry Moyer, 2009
Don Horton, 2008
Bob Monaghan, 2008
Robert Townsend, 2007
Martha Downey, 2007
Sally Rodriguez, 2006

Roger Scott, 2006
Max Robertson, 2006
Terry Putman, 2006
Max Wiens, 2006
Kenneth Beam, 2006
Michael Massey, 2006
Michael Herron, 2006
John Lampe, 2006
Bob Monaghan, 2008
Robert Townsend, 2007
Martha Downey, 2007
Sally Rodriguez, 2006
Roger Scott, 2006
Max Robertson, 2006
Terry Putman, 2006

Max Wiens, 2006
Kenneth Beam, 2006
Michael Massey, 2006
Michael Herron, 2006
John Lampe, 2006
James Fox, 2006
B. Dan Kamp, 2006
Alton Johnson, 2006
Dee Hardin, 2006
William Sharp, 2006
Richard Zavala, 2006
Eddie Hueston, 2006
Jackie Kayne, 2006
David Loughridge, 2006
Russell Studebaker, 2006
James Fisher, 2006

Minimum 15 years attendance and 20 participation points

Dr. Chad Kinder, 2019
Tony Presley, 2019
Lindsey Rider, 2019
Shohn Rodgers, 2019
David Burke, 2015
Cindy Olson, 2011
Tim Phillips, 2011
John Webb, 2011
Jill Beam, 2010
Susie Snider, 2010
Greg Snider, 2009
Gene Spearman, 2009
Tammie Tritico, 2009
Cindy Anderson, 2008
Susan Musgrove, 2008
Jeff Lingo, 2008
Bob Monaghan, 2007

Mendy Putman, 2006
Dewey Shroyer, 2006
Larry Moyer, 2005
Robert Townsend, 2002
Shellene Beach, 2001
Jeff Stuyt, 2001
Michael Massey, 2001
Sally Rodriguez, 2001
Celeste Hoehne, 2001
Martha Downey, 2000
Max Robertson, 2000
Kenneth Beam, 2000
Don Horton, 2000
Michael Brownlee, 1998
Dee Hardin, 1998
Michael Herron, 1998

B. Dan Kamp, 1998
John Lampe, 1998
Mickey Carter, 1997
Richard Zavala, 1997
Max Wiens, 1997
William Sharp, 1997
James Fox, 1997
Eddie Hueston, 1997
Alton Johnson, 1997
Jackie Kayne, 1997
Mark Mchenry, 1997
David Loughridge, 1997
Terry Putman, 1997
Roger Scott, 1997
Hugh Mcknight, 1992
Russell Studebaker, 1985
James Fisher, 1983

Minimum ten years attendance and 15 participation points

Rick Ewing, 2020
Michael Amond, 2020
Shohn Rodgers, 2017
Dr. Chad Kinder, 2016
Tony Presley, 2016
Randall McFarlin, 2015
Vickie Hamrick, 2014
Lindsey Rider, 2014
Gary Zimmerman, 2011
David Burke, 2011
E. Brian Bristow, 2010
Jim Mays, 2010
Emerson Vorel, 2008
Cindy Olson, 2008
John Webb, 2007
Tim Phillips, 2007
Kevin Chaney, 2006
Gene Spearman, 2006
Susie Snider, 2005
Jill Beam, 2005
Tammie Tritico, 2005
Susan Musgrove, 2004
Greg Snider, 2004
Pamela Sloan, 2004

Bob Monaghan, 2004
Cindy Anderson, 2004
Jeff Lingo, 2003
Larry Moyer, 2003
Dewey Shroyer, 2002
Andrew Jennings, 2001
Mendy Putman, 2000
Robert Townsend, 1999
Celeste Hoehne, 1999
Richard Diano, 1999
Shellene Beach, 1998
Dwain Doris Miller, 1998
Don Wendell, 1998
Sally Rodriguez, 1998
Jeff Stuyt, 1998
Martha Downey, 1997
John Guthrie, 1997
Don Horton, 1997
Dee Hardin, 1996
Michael Massey, 1996
Kenneth Beam, 1996
John Lampe, 1995
John Blackburn, 1995

Bob Overman, 1994
Michael Herron, 1994
Mark Mchenry, 1993
James Fox, 1993
Michael Brownlee, 1993
Jackie Kayne, 1992
Hayden Karn, 1992
Richard Zavala, 1991
Terry Putman, 1990
William Sharp, 1990
Alton Johnson, 1989
Max Wiens, 1987
Mickey Carter, 1987
Max Robertson, 1986
Roger Scott, 1986
Eddie Hueston, 1984
John Alford, 1984
David Loughridge, 1984
B. Dan Kamp, 1982
Terry Dopson, 1981
Russell Studebaker, 1980
Hugh Mcknight, 1979
James Fisher, 1978

Minimum five years attendance and 10 participation points

Kevin Fink, 2024
Levi Garrett, 2024
Chris McMaster, 2024
James Page, 2022
Walt Dabney, 2019
Michael Darr, 2019
Tracey Robertson, 2019
Karen Woodard, 2019
Jodie Johnson, 2017
Lessley Pulliam, 2017
Willis Winters, 2016
Mike Amond, 2015
Tony Presley, 2014
Rick Ewing, 2013
Dr. Chad Kinder, 2013
Denise Moore, 2013
Shohn Rodgers, 2013
Vickie Hamrick, 2012
Keli Clark, 2012
Randall Mcfarlin, 2012
Lindsey Rider, 2012
Joseph Walker, 2010
Jim Mays, 2009
Larry Apple, 2009
Bobby Kinser, 2008
Henry Painter, 2008
E. Brian Bristow, 2008
Dan Baker, 2007
Luster Gooden, 2007
Mark Woolsey, 2007
Gary Zimmerman, 2006
Emerson Vorel, 2006
David Burke, 2004
Cindy Olson, 2004
Kevin Chaney, 2004

Jill Beam, 2003
John Webb, 2003
Gene Spearman, 2002
Pamela Sloan, 2002
Tim Phillips, 2002
Tammie Tritico, 2002
Susie Snider, 2002
Bob Monaghan, 2001
Susan Musgrove, 2001
Andrew Jennings, 2001
Cindy Anderson, 2001
Greg Snider, 2000
Jeff Lingo, 2000
Larry Moyer, 1999
Robert Fishbeck, 1999
Sandra Youngblood, 1998
Richard Diano, 1996
Robert Townsend, 1995
Shellene Beach, 1995
Martha Downey, 1995
Sally Rodriguez, 1995
Mendy Putman, 1994
Jeff Stuyt, 1994
Celeste Hoehne, 1994
John Guthrie, 1993
Donna Pond-Watson, 1993
Don Horton, 1993
John Blackburn, 1993
John Lampe, 1993
Michael Massey, 1992
Michael Herron, 1992

Dee Hardin, 1992
Kenneth Beam, 1992
Bob Overman, 1992
Don Wendell, 1991
Hayden Karn, 1991
Mark Thornton, 1991
Michael Brownlee, 1991
Richard Zavala, 1990
Larry Smith, 1990
Terry Putman, 1989
Dewey Shroyer, 1989
Jackie Kayne, 1989
James Fox, 1989
Mark Mchenry, 1988
William Sharp, 1988
Roger Scott, 1986
Mickey Carter, 1986
Rick Holland, 1986
Max Wiens, 1982
Eddie Hueston, 1981
John Alford, 1981
David Loughridge, 1979
James Fisher, 1977
Terry Dopson, 1977
B. Dan Kamp, 1977
Alton Johnson, 1976
Russell Studebaker, 1975
Max Robertson, 1975
Hugh Mcknight, 1974
Dwain Miller, 1974

Attendance Awards

Awards in this category are based on years of attendance to the Institute. Awards are made to individuals who have attended the Institute in the following categories:
50 Years Attendance

B. Dan Kamp

45 Years Attendance

Roger Scott
John Lampe
Kenneth Beam
Dan Kamp

40 Years Attendance

James Fox
Randall McFarlin
Max Wiens
David Loughridge
Alton Johnson
Roger Scott
Dewey Shroyer

35 Years Attendance

Mick Massey
Robert Townsend
James Fox
Michael Herron

30 Years Attendance

Greg Snider
Mark Wilkerson
Mendy Putman
Michael Massey
Robert Townsend
Earl London
Sally Rodriguez
Bob Monaghan
Don Wendell
Eddie Hueston
Dee Hardin
James Fisher
William Sharp

25 Years Attendance

Rick Ewing
Cindy Olson
Tim Phillips
Mendy Putman
Don Horton
William Knepshield
Jim Sindelar
John Webb
Mark Wilkerson
John Blackburn
Terry Putman
Max Robertson
Earl London
Sally Rodriguez
Mickey Carter
Russell Studebaker
Larry Smith
Duane Polster

20 Years Attendance

Michael Amond
Greg James
Jill Beam
Susie Snider
Mark McHenry
Cindy Anderson
Vickie Hamrick
Jeff Lingo
Susan Musgrove
Greg Snider
Tammie Tritico
John Guthrie
Don Horton
Jackie Kayne
Terry Dobson
John Sellars
Fredrick Herring
Ray Reid
Shellene Beach
Hayden Karn
Dwain Miller
Dick Huck
Gerald Luekenga
William Knepshield
Mendy Putman
Larry Moyer
Richard Zavala
John Alford
Luster Gooden
Lewis Hiltpold
Jill Beam
Robert Modlin
Martha Downey
Celeste Hoene
Bob Overman
Thom Hanford
Susie Snider

15 Years Attendance

Willis Winters
Bruce Divis
Barry Hardaway
Dan Baker
Dr. Chad Kinder
Tony Presley
Lindsey Rider
Shohn Rodgers
Lois Knepshield
Mike Sexson
Larry Apple
Matt Meyer
Jeff Schwartz
Andrew Jennings
Robert Reich
Bryce Todd
Michael Brownlee
Henry Painter
Randy Nicholson
Timothy Dorny
Glenn Montgomery
Hugh McKnight
Jeff Stuyt
David Burke
Lesley Pulliam
Robert Hanna
Barbara Andrews
David Peters
Bobby Jones
Bob Thomson
Curtis Working
Gene Spearman
Tom Creider
Benjamin Hill
Donald Davenport
Lindsey Sehorn
Mark Woolsey
Robert Hall
Lina Wintz
Susan Hendon
Kenneth Hurst
Wes Barton
Dennis Wisdom

10 Years Attendance

Levi Garrett
Tim Hollenbaugh
Bruce Divis
Barry Hardaway
Vince Allen
Tony Jaramillo
Joseph Walker
John Waytula
Kris Marek
Bruce Divis
Barry Hardaway
Tracey Robertson
Todd Antilley
Melvin Cason
Merle Cox
Doug Hawthorne
Jodie Johnson
Adam Adams
Michael Amond
Keli Clark
Greg James
Richard Diano
Jim Mays
Donna Pond-Watson
Rick Holland
Sandra Youngblood
K’Ann Parham
Sarah Macias
Marco Cisneros
Bob Cheatham
Rick Sanders
R. Pyron
Emerson Vorel
Mark Thornton
Juan Ortiz
Eric Kroese

Shohn Rodegrs
E. Brian Bristow
Kevin Chaney
Pamela Sloan
Bobby Kinser
Colin Miller
Richard Keithley
Susan Canpbell
Terry Cheek
Robert Tickner
Charles Boseman
Mickey Martin
Kent Besley
Gary Johnson
Jim Lea
Danny Nottingham
Lois Knepshield
Gary Zimmerman
Jackie Bubenick
Dan Baker
Lindsey Rider
Walter Heard
Gary Edwards
Jerry Haire
James Mergen
Jessie Davis
Gerry Bradley
Don Booher
Robert Harder
Eric Klemm

Tom Ferguson
Ann Fuller
Ernie Johnston
Charles Kempel
William Lunsford
Timothy Pickens
Robert Webster
Gary landers
David Nicholas
Mike Sexson
Dr. Chad Kinder
Alison Letnes
Pamela Robertson-Young
Sammy Fare
Dewayne Franklin
Guy McClain
Rick Parkins
J.D. Carpenter
Leonard Evans
Bill Hollie
Cathy McMahan
Doug Melton
Paul Sheckells
Tim Shinogle
Ronald Underwood
Ken Unkart
Lynn Welsch
Guy Woodland
Allen York
Mike Davis

5 Years Attendance

Jennifer Cuykendall
Jeffrey Jenkins
Joseph Jergovic
Nicole Oliver
Amy Cochran
Michael Cooley
John Darling
Fince Espinoza
Kevin Fink
Brooke Hall
Tucker Heglin
Tim Hollenbaugh
David Lopez
Steven Lumpkin
Zach Worn
Walt Dabney
Carolyn McKnight
Karen Woodard
Stephen Conner
Michael Crumb
Michael Darr
Shannon Goodman
Joseph Hahn
Paul Hummel
John Kilgore
Aron Maib
Stefani Shultz
Larry Spain
Virgil Walker
Chad McCall
Paul Naughton
Donald Paddock
CD Perkins
Bryan Qualls
Ann Skelton
Christopher Twyman
Susan Baxter-Harwell
Sarge Binn
Lowell Caneday
Craig Dishman
Keith Franklin
Mike Howerton
Melinda Adams
Sherri Burris
Michael Farr
Mark Freeland
Robert McVey
Denise Moore
Tera Putman
Mark Smith
Nick Whisenhunt
Douglas Smith
Daniel Welch
Lisa Woolsey
Mark Atherly
Jarrett Kelough
Richard Munson
Val Roming
Patrick Standingbear
Matthew Swor
Charles Gleba
Patrick Phelan
Tim Dentler
Paul Gooch
Jennifer McRorey
Joseph Minella

A. Kym Hughes
James Carter
Stephen Pittsinger
Phillip Gill
Thurman Brashear
Ronnie Ostrom
Carol Spencer
H. Thompson
Danny Wilson
Jeff Popenoe
Ronald Lee
Tommy White
Paul Moore
Michael Farr
James Loven
Burck Tollett
John Reynolds
Mark Swafford
Joseph Walker
Ralph Mendez
Laura Valerius
Tony Presley
Bill Runnoe
Kevin Moore
June Howard
Milton Martin
Robert McGlothlin
Ken Idleman
Thomas Blagg
William Horton
Sandra Martin
Lavonia Price
Adam Adams
Lowell Boozer
Kevin Murray
Danny Tate
Ronald Taylor
Michael West
John Young
Roger Wyrick
Richard Stottlemyre
Robert Tucker
Jon Richardson
Nolan Little
Clark Thurston
Richard Harms
Kristina Courson
Douglas Arednt
Stacy Sorrels
Bruce Riley

Tommy Bean
Susan Eaves
Judith McAllister
J. Kevin Starnes
Sheri Endsley
Robert Warren
Kelly McGinnis
Douglas Green
Michael Vaught
Travis Lindley
Willis Winters
Russell Koch
Jodie Johnson
Melvin Cason
Steven Thompson
Ronald Allen
Emerald McGinty
Todd Vaughn
Edgar Voss
Reginald Hicks
Kip Edington
Doug Hawthorne
Cynthia Boland
Odell Brockett
Mike Brown
Joe Contreras
Scott Esmond
James Focht
Tim Hightshoe
Carol Lucas
Charles Mitchell
David Moody
Jack Murphy
Mike Parrish
Randy Petterson
Flo Temengil
Gregory Zimmerman
James Mackey
Craig Light
Douglas Howard
Sheridan Jones
Todd Antilley
Merle Cox
Roger Walton
Courtney Blevins
Richard Horton
William Kaufman
Larry Schaapveld
Michael Hammitt
Harold Pitchford

Carol Beavers
Dana Conklin
John Davis
Paul Collins
Tom Norquist
Richard Tuttle
John King
Bill Nelson
Tracey Robertson
Phil Thornburg
Ernie Feille
Jim Baughman
Dennis Byers
Jim Carder
Bruce Divis
Max Graham
Brandon Howard
Ben Hulsopple
Jim Johnson
Bob Keith
John Lee, Jr.
Richard Lyon
Ed Parton
Robert Russell
Walter Russell
Geoff Seidler
Clint Stoddard
David Turner
Leta Walker
Becky Worden
Jana Glass
Jeff Mahurin
David Schmitz
Wayne Hulsey
Chad Wheeler
Jim Dollar
Roberti Trevino
Jeff Jones
Bill Aycock
Joseph Hardin
Simon Rodriguez
Larry West
Richie Gauthier
Tony Jaramillo
Gary Kelley
Carol Conrad
Kris Marek
Vince Allen
Jerry Pipkins