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69th Institute – February 2-5, 2025

We are sad to report that a kitchen fire at the Sequoyah Lodge has caused us to have to relocate for this year to Quartz Mountain State Park on the beautiful Lake Altus-Lugert.  It really is a lovely state park.  We are working hard to make sure that all the normal activities, program and fun will be the same, just in a new location.  The lodge is smaller and we are moving all pre-registered attendees to the lodge and cabins as best we can.  You will be notified if there is a problem or concern.  For those still waiting to register, you can do so for the conference and please keep checking back for when we will be ready to take more reservations at the lodge.  We apologize for any inconvenience and are making every effort to get the logistics figured out.   But rest assured we will still have a great conference for all!

There are many hotels located in Altus OK if the lodge is full.  Hampton Inn, Days Inn, Budget Inn and several local lodging options.  Along with several VRBO’s or Air B&B options as well.  Please do not hesitate to reach out for help from us.

Your registration will include a meal plan for all the days.

For our participants and vendors that might want to drive in daily, you will be able to purchase individual meal tickets in the Store on the website soon.

2025 Registration

  • Opens – August 12, 2024
  • Early Registration Ends – December 13, 2024
  • Registration Closes – January 22, 2025


Renewable Student Scholarships

Student scholarships are awarded to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students preparing for a career in the park and recreation profession. The scholarships are a cash award ($1,000 for Undergraduate Student and $1,500 Graduate Student) that are presented to the respective universities in the spring semester for use by the recipient. In addition to the cash award, the Institute provides registration along with room and board for the recipient to attend the Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute in early February. Three undergrad and one graduate scholarship will be awarded.  This scholarship is now renewable and can be received more than once.

The application period begins March and extends through May 1. Scholarship applications are transmitted to universities within the eight-state region of the SWPRTI network. Included in this network are those universities and colleges that offer Parks and Recreation degree program or related degree that directly impacts the parks and recreation profession.

Professional Training Grant

For individuals currently working in the Park and Recreation industry, the professional training grant offers the opportunity to attend the Institute at no expense except travel.
The grant covers the cost of registration, with room and board, for the entire Institute training conference. In return, each recipient will be assigned to a committee during the Institute for four (4) hours to help out with various duties and other networking opportunities.

Applications are due to Greg Snider at by October 25, 2024

For questions…Contact Greg Snider at


Entertainment and Social Activities

Sunday, February 2, 2025

4:00-5:00pm – Orientation

7:30pm – Brag Night

Monday, February 3, 2025

5:30p.m. Fun Run – After sitting all day come out and join us for the annual fun run/walk.  Everyone is encouraged to participate.

Following Dinner: Annual SWPRTI Auction –  Bring your pocket book and help support SWPRTI. All money collected goes back to SWPRTI 100%.

Tuesday, February 5, 2025

5:30-6:30pm– Presidents’ Reception


Brag Night – Sunday evening after dinner

Brag Night is unique to the Southwest Park and Recreation Training Institute. It is an informal evening session designed to allow anyone attending the conference an opportunity to share ideas, programs, and experiences with their peers.

Participants are encouraged to display or communicate their experience with an audience, in other words, “bragging” on their ideas, programs and experiences!

All presentations are placed in one of the following categories so that the TOMA Award may be awarded to the highest rated presentation in each category.

Creative Project

  • This category may be from 5 to 10 minutes long
  • Includes topics such as;
    • Construction projects
    • Site Improvements
    • Park updates or installations
    • Irrigation systems, or any project (large or small) that you are proud of
  • This presentation may be a video and/or slides with narration
    • Videos are to be in-house productions.

Innovative Program

  • Presentations should be 5 to 15 minutes long
  • This category will address such topics as:
    • Innovative maintenance programs or techniques
    • Creative funding strategies
    • Recreation programs
    • any program that you have put together and want to share with the Institute
  • This presentation may be a video and/or slides with narration
    • Videos are to be in-house productions.

PSA / Promotional

  • Presentations should be 1-10 minutes long
  • This category is for public service announcements (PSA’s) and promotional videos
  • These presentations may consist of anything that you want to promote or announce such as:
    • A new water parks
    • Festivals
    • Public functions
    • Zoos
    • Track meets
    • Composting
    • Recycling
    • Anything else you wish to promote

Any question regarding Brag Night should be directed to Rick Ewing, Brag Night Chair,  at


Brag Night will be held on Sunday night of the conference, following dinner.  Refreshments will be served at Brag Night.

Participants should pre-register when signing into the conference as you arrive.  There will be a registration form for the participants located at the conference Registration Table.  Participants are asked to complete this form so the Brag Night Chair can better schedule times for presentations.


Participants should furnish the necessary equipment for their presentations, except for the microphone, sound equipment and projector, which are normally furnished by the Institute.


Committee will designate representative who will judge all presentations.  Further explanation of the judging will be done at the opening of the Brag Night session.


Presentations of award for each category’s winner will be made at the annual banquet on Tuesday evening.  The TOMA Award, which is a traveling trophy, will be presented as well as a plaque for you to keep for years to come.


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Thank You to Our
2025 Institute Sponsors